closing the loop

This is it. The moment of truth. I have to accept this. The closing up. Exaggerate  isn’t it? My semester is going to end soon. The only thing left is the study leave and final exam. Well, let me tell you something. Life is not dull, it’s full of adventures. Those adventures make your life colourful. Remind of it makes me want to laugh. I really can’t believe that I’m closing up my first semester. It feels like just yesterday I was in orientation.
Okay, maybe not exactly.
But, it was fun being through this whole semester. Our class always got compliment by the lecturers because of our full attendance in class. I wonder if the next semester they are going to shuffle us back. If it did, I’ll be still wondering on who’s going to be my classmate and will they accept my just the way I am. I’m the type of a person that chooses a nice friend to be close with me although I’m a noisy one. I always search for someone better so that they would lead me to good stuff.
Well, that’s life isn’t it?
To continue on my journey as a TESL student, there are lots of assignments still coming in without any red lights. I always mentioned that haven’t I? haha. But I still will. The first assignment that I’m thrilled about is my Computer Literacy where we have to create an educational product which could be sold in the market. I thought I want to do a product on making interest in English, however, I’m not guarantee that it could be sold at the market, or even if it did, wonder who’s going to  buy it. Thus, I changed my topic to Volcano. Volcano eruption in fact. The eruption of volcano is very interesting because I remembered in primary school; I had this project on making my own erupting volcano. That’s when I got the idea on doing it as my final project for CL. I went back home that weekend and started doing it with the help of my little brother and sister. They are more excited than I am. I remember when my little sister woke me up in the morning asking and asking on when we are going to do the volcano and gladly, the process went well and I’ve submitted my project happily.
However, another unfortunate event happened. My laptop was infected by the so called ‘shortcut virus’ that was already affecting UiTM’s computers. I felt like crying because I really need my laptop to do my work and also to release my stress. I got all pressured and depressed. Luckily, thanks to my roommate, she came across a girl that could fix it up and my laptop is safe now. I’m so relief.
Next up is MERDEKA DAY! Wee~!! This is the best night I ever had. Zhafa, Noor Syamimi, Anisa, and I went to the UiTM’s stadium to celebrate it. At first we were yawning because there’s not interesting agenda going on. Arif sent me a message saying that he’ll come too because all of his roommate are missing in action and he too felt bored staying in his room without anyone and anything to do. Lucky him because when he arrived, the true agenda started when there’s fireworks for the opening of the ‘Ambang Merdeka, followed by pantomime. It was very compelling as the play was about Japanese armies as they entered ‘Tanah Melayu’. The war really looks real as the bombing, smokes, and also people shooting each other. It was fantastic. After that, we wait until midnight to watch the firework. It was actually my first time, celebrating Merdeka Day. The fireworks really attract me. I love fireworks!
Back to the assignment, we have to make our final presentation on our final project for College Study Skills. In my group, everyone was assign to do their own part. Zakwan and I are in charge on making the video.  I love doing things using the computer. We work hard on it. The presentation went well.
            It was so sad to hear that this week is going to be the last week of lecture. Everyone went home after class or some of us like me, still stuck in the INTEC library doing my assignment. Luckily my mom fetches me on Saturday morning because she didn’t want to be stuck in traffic jam.
            Closing the loop for semester one. I hope that I’ll remember all the sweet memories we had together. I wished that everyone will be in the pink of health before and after ‘raya’. I have to study hard for the final exam and last but not least, Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zhahir Batin.


symimishkri said…
yaya! I love you journal! best2! haha
I think yours are better than me huhu
but then again,I'm gonna miss you a lot later :)

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