
Alhamdulillah, as my life goes on, now I know that Allah still loves me.
Today, me and my friends had a little chat under the tree in Tesl Square.
At first, we were just talking about our life and some gossips.
but then, our conversation started to change.
and then, I get to know new things.
I know that Istidraj. And I'm glad I'm not that kind of people. Insyallah.

It happened yesterday when me and my friends are waiting for the bus to came and it was already late.
I was furious and i kept being mad about it because i am tired.
Then, i walked a little, away from other people.
I prayed hard. really really hard for the bus to come so that it could be easy for me and my friend to go on with the day.
when I was praying, Suddenly, my fren yelled.

"The Bus is here!!!!"

As I turned, I saw the bus and I kept smiling because I am very glad that Allah answered my doa.

So, my friends, although it is very hard for us to be close to Allah but please do so. Allah is there with us, everywhere, anytime in need. and I believe that Allah is loving and caring to His creatures eventhough His creations did what forbid.

Ya Allah,
Kau berkatilah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. 


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